2013 CST Conference
PEACE YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND TOMORROW | Celebrating 50 Years Since Pacem in Terris
MARCH 21–23, 2013 | University of Notre Dame
The core purpose of the 50th Anniversary of Pacem in Terris conference is to explore thematic peace and justice issues that have been addressed by modern Catholic social thought, especially those within the encyclical such as human rights, political structures, ecumenism and environmentalism. One of the reasons for bringing in speakers from around the world is because of the international and interfaith approach to peacemaking and promotion of human rights that profoundly affected Catholic teaching and practice.
Rev. Kenneth R. Himes, O.F.M. | Pacem in Terris: Its Context and Legacy [Video]
Julian Filochowski, CMG, OBE | Oscar Romero: The Martyrdom of an Apostle for Peace and a Vatican II Champion [Video]
KEYNOTE PANEL | Interfaith Peace [Video]
Rev. James Channan, O.P. | Pacem in Terris: Its Influences and Challenges to Catholics/Christians in an Islamic Context of Pakistan
Amina Rasul-Berardo, MBA, MPA | A Common Prayer for a Common Peace: The Roles of the Muslim and Christian Religious in Peaceful Resolution of Conflict in Mindanao
KEYNOTE PANEL | Pacifism in Action [Video]
Ken Butigan, Ph.D. | Pacem in Terris and Nonviolent Action for Peace
Katy Kelly, MRE | Love Your Enemies: Living with Gazan and Afghan Friends in a Time of War