Girls on the Run

FOCUS: To inspire 3rd–5th grade girls from all walks of life to be joyful, healthy and confident using an interactive curriculum that creatively integrates running.

ACTIVITIES: Serve twice a week for 10 weeks in spring semester as a coach/mentor for a group of 8–15 girls. One-day service opportunities are available for individuals and groups to help prepare materials, setup events, or at various events.

HOURS: Coaches volunteer in the spring twice a week for 90 minutes each, usually between 1:00 – 7:00 p.m.; interns typically work remotely via computer, will attend monthly staff meetings, option to attend weekly co-working hours and various events.

REQUIREMENTS: Background checks are required for coaching positions as well as some 1-day volunteer opportunities.

PLACEMENTS: up to 31

Amy Cooper Collier