COVID-19 Update | Working with Community Organizations
IMPORTANT CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: The current Coronavirus outbreak has ongoing, direct consequences for both the operations and needs of many community organizations. In accordance with public health guidelines, some organizations are currently not able to accept on-site volunteers and some may be unable to accommodate remote collaboration.
The default expectation at this time should be that organizations may not be able to accept volunteers working in-person. If you are interested in supporting a community organization at this time, please review relevant University policy before communicating with an organization. Please note that these recommendations apply even if you are a student who is an active intern or have a placement at a community site. If you have concerns about a course-based placement, please contact your faculty supervisor.
We encourage all Notre Dame faculty, staff, and students to explore ways they can partner with local organizations to effect positive impact in the South Bend area. Please remember that you should NOT attempt to visit a community organization’s physical location at any time if you are exhibiting symptoms of the coronavirus.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this challenging, uncertain time.