Graduate Student Institute for Engaged Research and Teaching
October 17–19, 2022
The Center for Social Concerns will offer its inaugural Graduate Student Institute for Engaged Research and Teaching October 17–19, 2022. Designed for graduate students in all fields at all levels interested in applying their disciplinary lens and tools to issues of justice, the institute will explore principles and effective models of public scholarship and community engagement. Participants will experience a mix of dialogue with community and academic leaders, workshops, guided reflection, and community walking tours. Celebrated higher education scholar Professor Timothy Eatman, Ph.D., inaugural dean of the Honors Living-Learning Community at Rutgers University, will lead discussion on the foundations and purpose of engaged teaching and research.
The Institute will take participants to Chicago on October 18 to meet with academics and practitioners doing exemplary engaged work at and around the University of Chicago. On October 17 and 19, students will travel into South Bend to meet community members and faculty collaborating on local projects at La Casa de Amistad and the Near Northwest Neighborhood.
We welcome applicants who want to join this active learning community, contributing their insights and interests to our journey. The deadline to apply is October 5, 2022.