Signs of the Times #10: Human Dignity, Refugees, and People on the Move ft. Clemens Sedmak, Ph.D.
Clemens Sedmak, Ph.D. joins us on the Signs of the Times podcast today to discuss a question he’s been wrestling with, “what is the relationship between human dignity, Christianity, and the refugee crisis around the world?” Clemens shares his experience of returning to his home city of Salzburg, Austria in September, 2015 and being overwhelmed by the sheer number of refugees and migrants. This prompted his exploration into the division within the Catholic Church over its response to the migrant and refugee crisis and led to his research with the Humanitarian Corridor Initiative, a project of the Ford Program in Human Development Studies and Solidarity. He discusses a model of accompaniment as a means to integrate refugees into a new city as well as the pitfalls of the phenomenon they call over-accompaniment.