Spanish CBL Service Awards
Award Recipients
2020 Jose Tito Siguenza Award Recipients
2019 Rev. William A. Toohey, C.S.C., Award for Social Justice
2018 Jose Tito Siguenza Award Recipient
2017 Albert Le May Award Recipient
2016 Charles E. Sheedy, C.S.C., Excellence in Teaching Award
2016 Mara Fox Award Recipients
Each spring, the University of Notre Dame recognizes select graduating seniors for their outstanding service to the community through the use of their Spanish language skills and cultural knowledge.
♦ The Mara Fox Award for Service to the Hispanic Community
Senior who has studied Spanish at Notre Dame and contributed outstanding service to the Hispanic community
♦ William Richardson Award in Hispanic Culture
African-American senior who has studied Spanish at Notre Dame and demonstrated an active interest in, and awareness of, Hispanic culture
♦ Jose Tito Siguenza Award for Service to Hispanic Youth
Senior who has studied Spanish at Notre Dame and contributed outstanding service to Hispanic youth
♦ Albert Le May Award for Service to the Hispanic Community
Senior who participated in the Puebla Program and used the Spanish Language to serve the community
♦ Carlos Aballi Award in Hispanic Cultural Awareness
Senior who has studied Spanish at Notre Dame, demonstrated pride in their Hispanic culture, and given significant service to the Hispanic community
To be eligible, students must have minimum GPA of 3.5 and must be a graduating senior. Awards are open to majors and non-majors and students must be nominated. For additional information, please contact Professor Rachel Parroquin.