Energy, Climate, and Social Change – Washington Seminar
CSC 33985
This course will examine the relationship between energy, consumption, and environmental ethics with the aim of fostering an environment that encourages, in the words of Pope Francis, an ‘ecological conversion’ at a personal and communal level. Students will engage in conversation, reflection, and experiences that animate the adaptation of a new way of being related to the earth and the care of creation, and will gain vision for ways to advocate for serious responses to climate/environmental issues at the social/structural level. This seminar includes an immersion to Washington, D.C. during Spring Break to meet with policy makers, researchers, and advocacy groups.
Class Dates: Wednesdays 7:00–8:30 p.m.
Immersion Dates: This course includes a required immersion during the week of spring break.
Instructor: Amber Herkey
Cost: $300
Application Process:
There is no application for this course. For questions regarding financial assistance, contact gwhite2@nd.edu.
Credits: 1
Associated Term: Spring 2023